Plenary Sessions
Moonesighe - Future of anaesthesia, life and everything
Morlion - Chronic pain should be a concern for every anaesthetist
Aronson - Perioperative medicine is critical for a sustainable population health strategy
Walking the Line: Tales from the OR
Leslie - Clinical Trials: Past, present and future
Von Ungern Sternberg - Bigger is not always better, a view to paediatric research
Hofmeyr - Redfining the definitive airway: The case for the supraglottic airway
Fitzpatrick - Ten-year-old children should be in school, not in prison
Wood - Influence and implementation of clinical research
Hurley - Everything is Hypnosis
Harper and Marriot - Take my breath away
Powell - The Bank of Me
Skowno - Progress in Paediatric Anaesthesia from 1842 to 2042
Sommer - Fibromyalgia: Demystifying a syndrome
Pettigrew - Encouraging patients to adopt healthier lifestyles
Coulson - Angiotensin II to reduce acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery (A-TRAK)
Tognolini - Plasma lidocaine concentrations following an intraoperative intravenous weight-based regimen in obese patients
Press - Diagnostic accuracy of ROTEM FIBTEM amplitude measurements in identification of hypofibrinogenaemia in cardiac patients is improved by considering the ratio of FIBTEM to EXTEM clotting time
Brown - Pericapsular Nerve Block with Local Infiltration in Hip Arthroplasty Surgery
Thomas - Remote supervision of ultrasound guided peripheral intravenous cannulation training